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2003-2008 Honda Pilot (1 Piston Caliper)Description
Item Type: Brake Caliper
Condition: Brand New
Package Include: 1 PC Brake Calipers
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2001-2006 Acura MDX (1 Piston Caliper)
2003-2008 Honda Pilot (1 Piston Caliper)
Item Type: Brake Caliper
Condition: Brand New
Package Include: 1 PC Brake Calipers
2001-2006 Acura MDX (1 Piston Caliper)
2003-2008 Honda Pilot (1 Piston Caliper) -
Item Type: Brake Caliper
Condition: Brand New
Package Include: 1 PC Brake Calipers -
2001-2006 Acura MDX (1 Piston Caliper)
2003-2008 Honda Pilot (1 Piston Caliper)Description
Item Type: Brake Caliper
Condition: Brand New
Package Include: 1 PC Brake Calipers
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Item Specifics | |
Brand | ECCPP |
Manufacturer Part Number | E16189301CP |
Color | Silver |
Placement on Vehicle | Right;Rear |
Caliper Finish | Rust Preventative |
Fitment Type | Direct Replacement |
Mounting Hardware Included | Yes |
Custom Bundle | No |
Warranty | 1 Year |
UPC | Does not apply |
Modified Item | No |
Caliper Casting Material | Cast Iron |
Anti-Squeal Shims Included | Yes |
Bracket Mounting Bolts Included | Yes |
Bracket Included | Yes |
Piston Quantity | 1 |
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Item Specifics | |
Brand | ECCPP |
Manufacturer Part Number | E16189301CP |
Color | Silver |
Placement on Vehicle | Right;Rear |
Caliper Finish | Rust Preventative |
Fitment Type | Direct Replacement |
Mounting Hardware Included | Yes |
Custom Bundle | No |
Warranty | 1 Year |
UPC | Does not apply |
Modified Item | No |
Caliper Casting Material | Cast Iron |
Anti-Squeal Shims Included | Yes |
Bracket Mounting Bolts Included | Yes |
Bracket Included | Yes |
Piston Quantity | 1 |

- We stand behind every product we sell.
- All of our brand new items come with a 60-Days money-back guarantee.
- We define the item as defective only if it doesn't function as described.
- It is the buyer's responsibility to understand the item description before bidding.
- We will replace the defective items, provided that they are in stock within the warranty period posted with the listing and the buyer return the original item and pay for the S&H cost for the replacement.
- We will refund the purchase price if the replacement is not available or buyer prefers a refund and send the original item back at his/her own cost.
- Shipping & handling cost are not refundable.
- Man-made damage by abuse or wrong operation is not covered by this warranty.
- No product liability insurance is assumed.

- PayPal preferred.
- Payments are expected within 7 days after the last winning auction is closed; Otherwise Unpaid Item Dispute will be filed with eBay.
- Product will be shipped within 2 business days after full payment is received and verified. Delivery Time is about 3-7 business days to most of countries.
- All domestic orders will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx from our US warehouse and usually arrives to your door in about 3-5 business days.
- We ship the package to your shipping address in eBay instead of the one in PayPal. Please tell us your shipping address if it is different from the one in eBay.
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- We are not responsible for any wrong or undeliverable addresses. Please verify and update your shipping address on eBay during checkout.
- International Buyers a€“ Please Note:
- a) Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer's responsibility.
- b) Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding.
- Serious Buyer Only! Please place bid or "Buy it now" only if you agree the price and terms of the product and no argument after the auction.
- We strive to source genuine products from the suppliers. However, if you feel any of our products violate your Trademark, Patent Right or any other Intellectual Property Rights, please contact us. We will remove any offending listing immediately while awaiting further discussion.
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Shop Category
Rear brake calipers Right For Honda Pilot 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2001-2006 Acura MDX (1 Piston Caliper) Description
Item Type: Brake Caliper
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